What we do

What we do

  • Business Re-engineering
  • Training for various institutions
  • Research and Specialized support services
  • Entrepreneurial Development
  • Auxiliary services

Business Re-engineering

Quente Africa’s business re-engineering capacity building programme involve rethinking, and re-establishing a radical redesign to business processes from a blank sheet to rejuvenate an existing processes to deliver more value to the customers and to achieve dramatic improvements in critical aspects like quality, output, cost, service, and speed. This also involves interrelated activities aiming at reviving and creating a value added output to customers and it also characterized by a number of attributes: Process ownership, customer focus, value adding, and cross-functionality etc

Training for various institutions

We are specialized, and our innovative “spotlight” training methodology involve engaging all the four main styles of learning thus: Visual learning, with which leaners are better able to retain information when it’s presented to them in a graphic depiction, such as arrows, charts, diagrams, symbols, and more, Auditory learning by which leaners prefer listening to information that is presented to them vocally. Learning by reading and writing, by which learners do better through the use of written words, reading, writing, and presentations and other text-heavy resources. And finally some learners do better by deploying Kinaesthetic though which learners engaged in hands-on activities which enable them to engage all of their senses during course work. 

Research and Specialized support services

Quente provide both qualitative and quantitative research for institution both in Ghana and abroad. We do this by networking with all our global experts and deploy modern technology in data collection and analyses to meet internal standards. We have in the past collaborated with international organisations to undertake local research on their behalf. We also provide free coaching and monitoring services to nascent entrepreneurs alongside other corporate social responsibility activities we undertake.

Entrepreneurial Development

Africa is full of problems which is an indication that this continent if full of business opportunities. Because every problem is a potential business but unfortunately we are trained to get a job, but not to start a business. For our entrepreneurship capacity building we train participants to be able to think outside the box, identify societal problems and generate businesses ideas to solve them. We also establish that you job is what you are trained to do, whiles your business is what you were born to do. Your job is your skill, for which you can be fired from at any time. But your business is your gift; no one can take that from you. You can retire from your job but you can never retire from your business because your business is you. At Quente Africa we therefore train participant to discover their business, after which they will no longer need a job.

Auxiliary services

Quente Africa is in partnership with Holiday Tours in Dubai, With this collaboration Quente Africa is able to augment all its capacity building programs in Dubai with a comprehensive tour of all the interesting sites in Dubai and its surroundings.